Keyboard Shortcuts
MS Power Point
Alt + F = Move Focus to Menu
Alt + K = Checks Names in the To:, CC: & Bcc: Fields Against Address Book
Alt + S = View Slide Design Task Pane
Alt + U = Select Auto-shape on Drawing Toolbar
Alt + F9 = Display\Hide Guides: Toggle
Alt + Shift = Invoke the Move Command
Alt + Shift + Up = Move Selected Paragraphs Up
Alt + Shift + Down = Move Selected Paragraphs Down
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow = Promote a Paragraph\Select Entire Word\Increase Font
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow = Demote a Paragraph\Select Entire Word\Decrease Font
Alt + Shift + (+) = Expand Text Below a Heading
Alt + Shift + (-) = Collapse Below a Heading
Alt + Shift + 1 = Display Heading Level 1
Alt + Shift + A = Display\Hide All Text\Headings: Toggle
Ctrl + Backspace = Delete One Word to the Left
Ctrl + Break = End a Slide Show
Ctrl + Delete = Delete One Word to the Right
Ctrl + End = Move to the End of a Text Box
Ctrl + Enter = Move to Next Title\Text Placeholder
Ctrl + Enter (2x) = Create New Slide
Ctrl + Home = Move to the Beginning of a Text Box
Ctrl + (=) = Apply Subscript Formatting
Ctrl + Shift + (+) = Apply Superscript Formatting
Ctrl + Shift + > = Increase Font Size
Ctrl + Shift + < = Decrease Font Size
Ctrl + Spacebar = Remove Subscript\Superscript Formatting
Ctrl + Tab = Insert a Tab in a Cell
Ctrl + Shift + Tab = Switch Between Outline\Slides Tabs
Ctrl + Up Arrow = Move Up One Paragraph
Ctrl + Down Arrow = Move Down One Paragraph
Ctrl + Left Arrow = Move One Word to the Left
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow = Expand Selection to Beginning of a Word
Ctrl + Right Arrow = Move One Word to the Right
Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow = Expand Selection to End of a Word
Ctrl + A = Select All Objects\Slides\Text or
Display Hidden Pointer\Change Pointer to Arrow
Ctrl + B = Apply Bold Formatting
Ctrl + C = Copy Selected Object\s
Ctrl + Shift + C = Copy an Auto-shapes Object's Attributes\Formats
Ctrl + E = Center a Paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + F = Change Font
Ctrl + G = View Grid\Guide Menu
Ctrl + Shift + G = Group Objects
Ctrl + H = Hide Pointer\Navigation Button
Ctrl + Shift + H = Ungroup a Group
Ctrl + I = Apply Italic Formatting
Ctrl + J = Justify a Paragraph
Ctrl + L = Left Align a Paragraph
Ctrl + P = Display Hidden Pointer\View Print Menu
Ctrl + Shift + P = Change Focus to Font Size
Ctrl + R = Right Align a Paragraph
Ctrl + T = View Font Menu
Ctrl + U = Apply Underline\Hide Pointer or Navigation Button in 15 sec.
Ctrl + V = Paste Cut or Copied Object\s
Ctrl + Shift + V = Paste Cut or Copied Format\s
Ctrl + X = Cut Selected Object\s
Ctrl + Z = Undo
F6 = Move Clockwise Among Panes of Normal View
Shift + F6 = Move Counterclockwise Among Panes of Normal View
Shift + F3 = Change Case of Letters: Toggle (3x)
Shift + F4 = Repeat Last Find
Shift + F9 = Display\Hide Grid: Toggle
Shift + F10 = Display Context Menu\Emulate Right Click
. (period) = Display Black Screen: Toggle
, (comma) = Display White Screen: Toggle
+ (plus) = Stop\Restart Automatic Slide Show
' (hyphen) = End a Slide Show
Up Arrow = Move Up One Line\Preceding Row
Down Arrow = Move Down One Line\Next Row
Left Arrow = Move One Character to the Left
Right Arrow = Move One Character to the Right
End = Move to the End of a Line
Home = Move to the Beginning of a Line
Tab = Move\Cycle Forward
Backspace = Go to Previous Slide
Spacebar = Go to Next Slide
B = Display Black Screen: Toggle
E = Erase On-screen Annotations
H = Go To the Next Hidden Slide
M = Use Mouse-click to Advance While Rehearsing
N = Performs Next Animation\Move to Next Slide
O = Use Original Timings While Rehearsing
P = Performs Previous Animation\Move to Previous Slide
S = Stop\Restart Automatic Slide Show
T = Set New Timings While Rehearsing
W = Display White Screen: Toggle